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Common Law Marriage in NC: Yes or No?

If you're wondering whether you have a common law marriage in NC, the answer is most likely "no." Learn more in this comprehensive guide.

evident Editorial Team
March 7, 2024
couple, holding hands, marriage

The phrase "common law marriage in NC" frequently arises in relationship discussions and legal conversations, leaving many with questions and misconceptions. This is particularly true in North Carolina, where the ins and outs of this topic have been the subject of much discussion and research.

In this article, we cover intricacies of common law marriage in the Tar Heel State, answering your burning questions and debunking prevalent myths.

Whether you're delving into the history of common law in NC, questioning if the state recognizes such unions, or looking to understand the rights of unmarried couples, we've got the insights you need.

Key Takeaways

What is Common Law Marriage?

Common law marriage diverges from traditional marriage due to its formation criteria. Instead of a significant marriage ceremony or securing a marriage license, a common law marriage is founded when a couple cohabitates and presents themselves as married in their community, all without the rigors of a legal wedding.

Here are the key pillars of a common law marriage:

  • Cohabitation: Significant time spent living together.
  • Representation: Presenting oneself as a married couple to acquaintances, relatives, and the public.
  • Intent: A shared intention to be viewed as married.

While the concept of common law marriage seems simple, its recognition varies across states. Some states recognize common law marriages, while others do not. For example, Texas recognizes common law marriage.

This brings us to the pressing question about North Carolina's stance.

Does North Carolina Recognize Common Law Marriage?

north carolina, state, usa

No, North Carolina does not recognize common law marriage. If a couple wants to be considered legally married in North Carolina, they must undergo a formal marriage ceremony and obtain a marriage license.

North Carolina law emphasizes statutory marriage over common law unions. However, it's worth noting that if a couple establishes a valid common law marriage in a state that acknowledges it and then relocates to North Carolina, their marriage will typically be recognized based on the principle of respecting legal unions formed in other jurisdictions.

Rights of Unmarried Couples in North Carolina

Even without a common law marriage recognized in North Carolina, unmarried couples have certain rights. It's crucial to differentiate between the legal protections of married couples and those cohabiting without a legal marriage.

  • Property Rights: Unmarried couples in North Carolina don't automatically share property. However, they can craft cohabitation agreements to define property rights.
  • Healthcare Choices: Partners may not have the default right to make medical choices for each other. Advance healthcare directives can remedy this.
  • Inheritance: Drafting a will ensures an unmarried partner inherits the desired assets.
  • Parental Rights: Establishing legal paternity is paramount for fathers to ensure full rights.

Common Myths about Common Law Marriage in NC

The "7-Year Rule"

One of the most widespread misconceptions is the belief that living together for seven years automatically results in a common law marriage in North Carolina. This is simply not true.

The duration of cohabitation, whether seven years or longer, does not automatically establish a recognized marriage in the state.

Every couple must go through the same divorce process as traditionally married couples, regardless of how long they have lived together.

Shared Finances Equals Marriage

Many believe sharing bank accounts, mortgages, or other financial responsibilities equates to a recognized common law marriage. However, merging finances or jointly owning property in North Carolina does not grant the legal status of marriage. While shared finances might demonstrate a level of commitment, it is not a substitute for the legal criteria required for a recognized marriage.

Common Law Marriage Certificate

Another prevalent myth is the idea of a "common law marriage certificate." No such certificate exists.

Even in states where common law marriages are recognized, there isn't a formal document called a "common law marriage certificate." A couple either meets the criteria for common law marriage.

Same-Sex Marriages and Common Law in North Carolina

couple, gay couple, pride month

North Carolina's journey with same-sex marriage has witnessed significant developments. While the state does not differentiate between same-sex and opposite-sex couples regarding common law marriage (neither is recognized), it does acknowledge same-sex marriages that follow traditional legal protocols.

It's crucial for same-sex couples to understand that North Carolina recognizes their unions as long as they follow the legal processes, including obtaining a marriage license and undergoing a marriage ceremony. These legally married same-sex couples are granted the same rights, responsibilities, and protections as opposite-sex couples.

For same-sex couples who may have had a common law marriage recognized in another state and then moved to North Carolina, the state typically acknowledges their union based on respecting legal statuses established elsewhere.

However, for any family law matter, consulting with a family law attorney in North Carolina is advisable to ensure all rights and protections are fully understood and upheld.

FAQs About Common Law Marriage in North Carolina

What is considered common law marriage in North Carolina?

Common law marriage refers to a union where a couple lives together and presents as married without undergoing a formal ceremony or obtaining a marriage license.

However, it's crucial to note that North Carolina does not recognize common law marriages. Couples must obtain an official marriage license and go through a recognized marriage ceremony to be considered legally married in the state.

What is the common law rule in North Carolina?

The common law rule in North Carolina primarily pertains to the legal principles derived from court decisions and precedents rather than North Carolina's official legal code.

When it comes to relationships and marriages, North Carolina does not recognize new common law marriages. But the state respects the importance of common law in various aspects of its legal system, using past rulings to guide certain decisions.

Who gets the house when an unmarried couple splits up in NC?

In North Carolina, when an unmarried couple splits up, property rights generally revolve around legal ownership. If the house is jointly owned, both parties have equal rights to the property. However, if the home is in only one partner's name, the legal owner has the primary right to the property.

Unmarried couples can draft cohabitation agreements to specify property rights, which can help clarify matters in case of a split. Consulting with a family law attorney can offer more specific guidance tailored to individual situations.

Does North Carolina recognize domestic partnership?

North Carolina does not have a statewide registration for domestic partnerships. However, some cities and counties in North Carolina may have domestic partnership registries, offering certain local benefits to registered couples. It's essential to check local ordinances and consult local government resources to understand the specific rights and recognitions offered in particular areas of the state.

Concluding Thoughts: Comprehending Your Legal Position in North Carolina

Although North Carolina does not recognize new common law marriages, it's essential to grasp the available rights and protections for cohabiting couples. Understanding the legal nuances ensures your rights and desires are protected in any family law matter.

Seek advice from knowledgeable family law attorneys for insights into North Carolina's marriage laws and any family law concerns.

Consulting with a family law attorney is vital for those looking into a common law divorce or questioning if their common law marriage began in a state that recognizes it. Remember, every relationship is distinctive. Being informed means you're equipped to navigate your unique journey.