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What Does a Slip and Fall Lawyer Do?

This article will explain what a slip and fall lawyer does and why their role is crucial in getting the fair compensation you deserve. Read on to learn more.

evident Editorial Team
November 28, 2023
slip and fall lawyer, suit, man

When you're injured in a slip and fall accident, it can be overwhelming. The physical pain, mounting medical bills, and lost wages due to the inability to work all pile-up, causing undue stress. You're likely seeking answers and contemplating whether you need legal representation, hence, you're here. So, what does a slip and fall lawyer do? Let's find out.

This article will explain what a slip and fall accident is, the tasks and responsibilities of a slip and fall lawyer, how they can be your pillar of support during these challenging times, and why their role might be crucial in getting the fair compensation you deserve.

Key Takeaways

What is a Slip and Fall Accident?

A slip and fall accident, often called a "slip and fall," is an incident where an individual loses their balance due to a hazardous condition and falls.

These accidents can lead to severe injuries, ranging from minor bruises to broken bones, spinal injuries, or traumatic brain injuries. They are among the most common types of personal injury cases.

There are several places where fall accidents typically occur:

  1. Retail Stores: Wet floors without warning signs, cluttered aisles, or uneven surfaces can pose significant risks to shoppers.
  2. Private Residences: Loose carpeting, broken steps, or icy walkways can all lead to slip and fall incidents.
  3. Public Areas: Parks, sidewalks, and public buildings sometimes have defects or lack proper maintenance, leading to potential accidents.
  4. Workplaces: Falls at the workplace can result from spilled liquids, unsecured cords, or poorly lit stairwells.

According to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), falls account for over 8 million hospital emergency room visits, representing the leading cause of visits (21.3%). Moreover, slips and falls account for over 1 million visits or 12% of total falls.

This can result in many different injuries, including:

Common Injuries Resulting from Slip and Fall Accidents
Type of Injury Severity Recovery Time
Sprains and Strains Mild to Moderate Several days to weeks
Fractures Moderate to Severe Weeks to months
Head Injuries Can vary from Mild to Critical Weeks to potentially ongoing
Spinal Cord Injuries Severe Months to potentially ongoing

The Role of a Slip and Fall Lawyer

Now that we've covered what a slip and fall accident is, where do slip and fall lawyers come in?

Well, it can be daunting to understand the complexities surrounding slip and fall accidents. Slip and fall lawyers can be an invaluable resource to guide victims through the legal maze, ensuring victims get the compensation they rightfully deserve.

Here are some things they do.

Initial Consultation

From the moment an individual is involved in a slip and fall accident, the clock starts ticking on their potential claim. Arranging a free consultation with slip and fall injury lawyers is crucial. And you should be prepared to ask lots of questions.

Here are some of the benefits of an initial consultation:

  • Case Assessment: Understanding the viability of your fall injury case.
  • Legal Guidance: Initial advice on immediate steps to take post-accident.
  • Fee Structure: Most slip and fall attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you only pay if you win.

It's worth noting that the initial consultation is not just for the attorney to assess your case but for you to evaluate the attorney's expertise and whether they fit your needs.


Evidence is the backbone of any slip and fall claim. The investigation phase is where lawyers collect crucial evidence to prove negligence on the property owner's part.

This evidence can include:

  • Photos and videos of the accident scene.
  • Accident reports, if any were filed.
  • Medical records showcasing the extent of injuries.
  • Witness statements from those who saw the accident unfold.

Evaluating Claims

Once the evidence is gathered, a fall injury lawyer will analyze how the slip and fall injury occurred and where the injury happened.

They'll assess:

  • The severity of the fall injuries and their long-term implications.
  • The potential negligence of property owners.
  • Any missed work leading to lost wages.
  • The pain and suffering experienced by the victim.

This evaluation helps determine the worth of the slip and fall claim, ensuring victims seek an amount that's both fair and reflective of their hardships.

Representing Clients

A significant part of what a fall injury attorney does involves representing clients in negotiations and, if necessary, court. This includes:

  • Negotiating with Insurance Companies: Your insurance company will often aim to settle for less than what victims might be entitled to. Lawyers ensure their clients get full and fair compensation.
  • Court Representation: If negotiations fall through, the next step could be a personal injury lawsuit. Fall attorneys prepare and present the case, always advocating for their client's best interests.

In essence, a slip and fall lawyer does more than just legal representation. They provide victims with support, expert guidance, and unwavering advocacy from the accident's aftermath to the case's resolution.

How to Choose The Right Slip and Fall Lawyer

Personal injury lawyers that handle slip and fall cases typically work on a contingency fee basis, meaning it won't cost you anything to work with them.  However, they will get a percentage of any compensation you receive from the case as their fee.

Choosing the right lawyer for your slip and fall case can significantly impact the outcome.

Here are some factors to consider:

Key Qualities to Seek in a Slip and Fall Lawyer
Quality Description
Experience A lawyer with a history in slip and fall cases will be familiar with the nuances of such claims.
Reputation Positive reviews, testimonials, and case results can indicate a trustworthy and efficient attorney.
Communication Skills Open channels of communication ensure you're informed at every stage of your claim.
Resources Availability of necessary resources such as expert witnesses can strengthen your case.
Empathy Understanding your situation emotionally can lead to a more personal commitment to your case.

Pursuing a slip and fall claim can be a complex process. However, with the right legal guidance, you can navigate these steps confidently, ensuring your rights are protected, and you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Personal injury attorneys are your advocate, championing your best interests every step of the way.

Pursuing a Slip and Fall Claim

If you're thinking about pursuing a slip and fall claim, understanding the stages of the legal process can provide clarity and confidence as you seek rightful compensation.

When to Consider a Slip and Fall Claim

Consideration for a slip and fall claim generally arises when:

  • The accident resulted in substantial injuries needing medical intervention.
  • The property owner's negligence appears to have caused or contributed to the accident.
  • Financial setbacks arise due to medical expenses or lost wages from the incident.

Steps in the Legal Process of a Slip and Fall Claim

  1. Initiation: Once you decide to file a claim, your attorney will draft a complaint detailing the nature of the accident, injuries, and the sought compensation. This complaint is then filed in the appropriate court to start the lawsuit.
  2. Discovery: Both parties gather evidence. This phase involves exchanging documents, taking depositions, and questioning witnesses. It's a fact-finding mission that lays the groundwork for the case.
  3. Pre-Trial Motions: Before the trial, either party can request the court to decide on specific issues, which can sometimes lead to a case dismissal or limit the scope of the trial.
  4. Mediation or Settlement Talks: Before a case goes to trial, parties might engage in mediation or settlement discussions to reach an agreeable resolution without a court battle.
  5. Trial: If a settlement isn't achieved, the case proceeds to trial. Here, both sides present their evidence, witnesses are questioned, and a verdict is rendered.
  6. Appeal: Should either party disagree with the trial's outcome, they can appeal the decision to a higher court. It's essential to note that not all cases are eligible for appeal, and specific criteria must be met.

Remember, each slip and fall case is unique, and the process may vary based on the specific circumstances of your situation.

How Much Money Can I Get for My Slip and Fall Case? 

Understanding potential compensation following a slip and fall incident is crucial. While many think of it in terms of immediate medical bills, it stretches far beyond that.

Let's look at the different aspects of compensation and what influences these amounts in slip and fall claims.

Types of Damages

After a slip and fall incident, victims can claim two broad categories of damages:

  1. Economic Damages: These are tangible, out-of-pocket expenses. They include medical bills, lost wages due to missed work, and rehabilitation costs, such as physical therapy or counseling.
  2. Non-Economic Damages: These are more intangible, focusing on the emotional and psychological impact of the accident. Victims can seek compensation for pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment in daily activities, and even the strain on relationships, termed "loss of consortium."

Factors Influencing Compensation Amount

The amount a victim receives in compensation isn't arbitrary. It's influenced by the severity of the injury; more significant injuries often lead to higher payouts. The degree of negligence also plays a role. If both the victim and property owner share the blame, the compensation could reduce—a concept known as "comparative negligence."

Geographical factors matter too. For instance, compensation dynamics in a slip and fall case in Florida might differ from one in NYC. Further, the long-term implications of the injury on the victim's ability to work and the quality of their legal representation can tilt the scales.

Average Compensation Amounts Based on Injury Severity
Injury Severity Average Compensation Amount
Mild (Sprains, minor fractures) $10,000 - $50,000
Moderate (Dislocations, non-severe head injuries) $50,000 - $100,000
Severe (Traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries) $100,000 - $500,000+

These figures are averages and can vary depending on individual cases.

The Role of Insurance Companies

Insurance companies representing property owners are often the primary payers in slip and fall cases. However, their objective is to protect their bottom line, which can sometimes conflict with a victim's pursuit of full and fair compensation. They might offer settlements that undervalue the victim's claim, dispute their policyholder's liability, or use delay tactics to wear out claimants.

This underscores the importance of having a skilled slip and fall lawyer equipped to negotiate and combat such strategies.

FAQs About Slip and Fall Cases

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about slip and fall attorneys and their answers.

How much is a settlement for a slip and fall?

The settlement amount for a slip and fall case varies widely depending on the accident's specific circumstances, including the injury's severity, the extent of the negligence, and the impact on the victim's life and work.

These settlements can range from $15,000 to $45,000 on average. However, more severe cases involving long-term injuries can result in much larger settlements.

What is the slip and fall lawsuit in NYC?

In New York City, a slip and fall lawsuit is a type of personal injury claim filed by someone injured due to a hazardous condition on someone else's property. New York laws require property owners to keep their premises reasonably safe. If they fail to do so and someone gets injured, the injured person may have a valid slip and fall claim. 

How much is a slip and fall case in Florida?

As with any location, settling a slip and fall case in Florida depends on various factors. Florida follows a "pure comparative negligence" rule. This means if you are partially responsible for your accident, your compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault. For example, if your total damages amount to $100,000, but you are found to be 25% at fault, your compensation would be reduced to $75,000.

What is slip and fall in law?

In legal terms, a "slip and fall" refers to a situation where a person slips, trips, or falls due to a hazardous condition on someone else's property. If the property owner knew or should have known about the danger but did nothing to rectify it, they can be held liable for any injuries that occur. This forms the basis of a slip and fall personal injury lawsuit.

Remember, each slip and fall case is unique and legal outcomes depend on the specific details of the incident.

It's always best to consult a qualified slip and fall attorney to discuss your case and explore your legal options. They can provide more specific information based on your situation.